Register For 2 FREE
Core Transformation Sessions!
Get benefits for yourself, while participating in wellbeing research
What Is Core Transformation?
The Core Transformation process is a gentle process for wellbeing. Most people find it enjoyable and relaxing. You can use it to transform stress, and/or any emotion or behavior you’d like to change. People who experience Core Transformation report having more resilience and wellbeing as a result.
Why Are You Offering FREE Sessions?
This is the community service element of the Core Transformation Coach Certification Training. Each CT Coach-in-training will be contributing his/her time to give two free Core Transformation sessions to five different people. Each CT Coach-in-training has already completed extensive Core Transformation training prior to guiding you.
Who Qualifies For The FREE Sessions?
Anyone who hasn’t experienced a Core Transformation Session before.
How Do I Sign Up?
You can participate by registering using the link below:
In the registration form you’ll agree to receive at least 2 Core Transformation sessions of 1.5 hours each from one of our Coaches in training, spaced roughly a week apart. (These sessions will be recorded, so the Coach can get Trainer & trainee feedback on their facilitation). As part of this offer, you will also agree to participate in our research of the CT process, by filling out 3 online anonymous surveys after your sessions. (about 10 – 15 mins each time.)
We hope you take advantage of this opportunity to experience CT, participate
in the training of our CT coaches, and assist in research.
~ Mark Andreas & Tamara Andreas
Core Transformation Coach Certification Trainers